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Tips Attention

* 来源 : * 作者 : * 发表时间 : 2017/5/27 15:39:15 * 浏览 :

Oxygen sensor has a stable life time, therefore its performance would be influenced when time passes by. It will get slower and less sensitive and can't feedback the best air-fuel ratio. So, it is suggested to change a new one for your car when it comes to 50,000 km for one and two wires oxygen sensors, and 80,000km for three and four wires oxygen sensors. Wide-band oxygen sensor runs longer time but also need to be changed after 100,000km.


Factors shorten the life time of an oxygen sensor

Phosphorus poisoned

Silicone Poisoned

Salt contaminated

Water spread

Thermal shock

You know, if there are any problems occured for the oxygen sensor,the fuel consumption would be increased, the emissions would be increased as well. Meanwhile, the engines get slower and hard to start off or becoming lagging.

So, proper maintanence and change for the oxygen sensors are the most effective way in order to reduce the fuel consumption, emissions and the risks of changing Three-way Catalyst which is much more expensive.

Ask a pro technician: zouwq@transauto.cn